MORRISON, COLORADO — Tune in tonight for Day 2 of Tyler Childers making the dreams of Marshall music majors come true. It is well known that Childers’ coattails are strong, durable, and long enough to support the entirety of Marshall University’s School of Music, but a recent breakthrough in tailoring technology has allowed Childers’ coattails along with those riding along to stretch nearly 1500 miles, all the way to Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Morrison, Colorado.
Using a newly-developed knitting technique and fabric made from a custom 70/40 wool/polyester blend (which maintains the classic tweed look) allows the coattails and its riders to stretch several thousand miles across the United States.
Playing the beautiful Red Rocks Amphitheatre is a pinnacle of achievement for musicians who are transitioning into “superstar status” — and also people who personally know Tyler Childers.
The Marshall University School of Tyler Childers does not guarantee a wildly successful music career today, however they will provide students with the tools needed to latch onto an incredibly gifted and talented singer/songwriter who did not attend music school but rather draws inspiration from lived experience and genuine cultural reflection.