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OPINION: Mothman Should Fight Joe Manchin at Camden Park

CAMDEN PARK — This hypothetical has plagued West Virginians for decades probably. Should Mothman fight Joe Manchin? And to add another layer of complexity, should the brawl take place at Camden Park? The ethics behind the dilemma and this sort of low-effort reporting are worth exploring.

First of all, the location of the skirmish makes me squeamish — think of the children. Camden Park is a historical landmark that has provided fun for all since 1903. Is it not worth protecting? I’m not concerned as much about Senator Manchin as I am Mothman, whose wingspan is around 10-12 feet. This could prove to be dangerous for park patrons as well as the hundred-year old architecture.

Is it immoral to have Joe Manchin — a politician who has proven that he only works in the interests of the corporate elite — square off with the nocturnal humanoid beast who will undoubtedly rip the Senator’s limbs off and feed him his intestines? I really do not know that answer.

Would it be a step forward in American politics if Mothman stood victorious, holding an assortment of Manchin’s bashed-in and bloodied body parts, forming a deep mahogany puddle at his feet? Who’s to say.

These are the types of questions we need to be asking ourselves, as Appalachians. These explorations of morality is what The Ramp strives to analyze. Is it brave? Yes. Is it bold? Same thing as “brave” really, but again, yes. Did we steal this entire headline from a local Twitter account and then just work backwards from there in order to satirize the original Tweeter’s satirization of regionally specific humor? No comment. Is that basically our entire schtick? Shit.

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