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Jim Justice: “I’m going to publicly execute the Delta variant but first I have to piss and shit”

CHARLESTON — During a COVID-19 press conference on Wednesday, Governor Jim Justice outlined his execution strategy for the Delta Variant of COVID-19 that will ultimately kill off a bunch of Facebook users, innocent children, and your vaccinated grandparents.

“I see it… comin’ in the distance… I’m aimin’… but the safety’s off — well, no, actually there is no safety because I’m holding a Springfield Model 1861 musket — with which I actually have to pour powder into a measure of a predetermined amount. Then, I pour the powder into the barrel and load in the lead ball. Now, I’m imaginin’ myself pouring in a finer grade of powder into the pan, and with the frizzen closed, I’m now ready to blow this damn Delta variant’s head off,” Justice said, describing how to load his $300,000 antique firearm.

“And then, BOOM! It’s done, blasted to over yonder. And that’s just what we just gotta do. I’m madder than a wet hen right now that I gotta keep doin’ these damn press conferences.” This man is a patriot — A Governor Soldier (which we are going to try to make a movie about).

Justice closed with, “Welp! I’ve gotsta go piss and shit and puke all over the Capitol’s women’s room. It’s so much cleaner in there and I can’t explode out of every orifice of my body in just any ol’ place. Hell, Joe Manchin probably sharted all over the walls in the men’s room!”

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Aug 04, 2021

It's about damn time somebody done it.

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